Another female blackcap at the suet feeder

The light was fading and we hadn't been out all day. Helena was taking a tea break from her jigsaw when I opened the door onto the patio to have a crack at an emergency blip, on the first day of the year too. I didn't want the double glazed door to lessen the light even further.

I'd spotted some longtailed tits swarming around the feeder so I filled it up with more suet and hoped they'd return. They did come a few at a time along with some blue tits who seem to regard themselves as part of the longtailed extended family flock.

Suddenly this female blackcap swooped onto the feeder, tipped its neck up in the air and swallowed a large suet pellet. I just had time to refocus and take this shot before it flew away. I do like them, and the female is more wary than the males so I'm pleased to have caught it once again.

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