toy train track

I was successfully social today. I actually had a blast. The group I joined had a meetup at the botanical garden where there was a toy train exhibit with wonderfully silly little scenes that represent the county. It is true, we do have water monsters, Winnie the Poo, and R2D2 wandering around town on a regular basis. I loved photographing it but I also managed to have numerous interesting conversations and I'm looking forward to going to their future events and running into the same people. My friend who has MOVED TO MISSISSIPPI is up to visit family and she went with me. 

oh that's right. I always hate doing things like this unless I know at least one person. If I know just one person then I'm completely fine. 

Russian teachers have been asked to donate part of their salaries to Russian soldiers invading Ukraine. Teachers were given flyers to apply to donate. Over 1.4 million people left Russia. 20% of them were high net worth individuals. The draft took hundreds of thousands of men from the workforce and sent hundreds of thousands more fleeing the country.  Over 1 billion dollars of Western capital has been divested in the past 10 months. Russian banks had a record $25 billion loss in the first half of last year. One quarter of the banks posted losses. Russia's economy is not big enough to sustain the amount it is spending every day on the war. 

It is getting harder to continue the war. 

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