mental vector mapping

Thinking of everywhere as a series of connected lines intersecting at various points is fine for most purposes of everyday navigation. Knowing the angles and curves and the vague directions of the lines against a fixed reference mechanisms such as the points of the compass is handier still. Remembering the actual physical appearance of various bits of the surroundings as viewed from further down the roads is where vagueness can creep in even on familiar sights. I knew it was possible to see George IV bridge through the arch of the bridge taking South Bridge over the Cowgate but not if the reverse was possible and whereabouts exactly a photograph might be taken where both bridge-arches can be seen (if such a spot was available on the pavement) in order to get an entry for the work photo club monthly competition out of the way before the weekend. The roadworks didn't really help as vehicles kept stopping where they blocked the yonder bridge from view or where their lights created unwanted flares and ghosts but I might need to try again in the early morning to get more effective lighting. Not that there's any significant prize or chance of winning it but I try to submit only things I'm happy with. Popping along early in the morning might also mean less people about who might notice if I climb the odd wall or pop the odd few extra feet up a drainpipe to get a shot without the barriers and temporary traffic lights.

As well as being Bank-Holidayishly pleasingquiet on the way in (apart from the baying of the kids from the posh school) it was quiet and half-dead in the office, a state assisted by the sickness absence of the primary boss and all-day event-absence of his boss, leaving no-one to issue needless instructions which might get in the way of me doing what I feel requires to be done. I did have a surprise meeting which I didn't remember as my calendar was sitting two weeks too far forward for most of the morning but was otherwise able to get a great deal done without once having to tut or sigh excessively. There was even enough motivation left to mow the grass when I got home and finish off painting the coving and half of the ceiling with proper white paint rather than the greyish cheap stuff used for undercoating. Only half a ceiling left to do before moving onto the doors and skirting boards, both of which have to be chosen and bought before any painting can be done.

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