Uwchben a thu hwnt

Uwchben a thu hwnt ~ Above and beyond

“A fresh attitude starts to happen when we look to see that yesterday was yesterday, and now it is gone; today is today and now it is new. It is like that — every hour, every minute is changing. If we stop observing change, then we stop seeing everything as new.”
― Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche

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Rydw i wedi dechrau rhedeg eto - 5k yn araf heddiw, ond mae'n ddechrau.  Wrth gwrs pad rydw i'n dweud 'rydw i wedi dechrau rhedeg eto' mae'n swnio fel petai rydw i'n mynd i barhau, ond mae'n amhosib gwybod. Mae e wedi bod dros dair mis (rydw i'n meddwl) ers i mi redeg. Dydw i ddim yn rhedeg yn y glaw, neu pan mae'n rhy oer, neu pan rydw i'n rhy brysur... Yr unig ffordd rydw i'n gallu gwybod os rydw i'n mynd i barhau rhedeg yw pan rydw i wedi rhedeg mewn gwirionedd. Felly gawn ni weld. Dim addewidion. Hyd yn oed i mi fy hun.

Roeddwn i i fyny ar y to eto. Mae syniad gyda ni nawr am achos y broblem, ond dydw i ddim yn siŵr os mae'r arbenigedd gyda fi i'w ddatrys.  Rydw i wedi gwneud fy ngorau, ond efallai y bydd yn rhaid i ni alw'r gweithwyr proffesiynol. Rydw i'n dechrau teimlo fy mod i'n rhy hen i gropian ar y to. Rydw i'n eithaf siŵr dydy'r to ddim yn gollwng pan ddydy hi ddim yn bwrw glaw. Yn anfoddus mae Daniel eisiau mwy o warant o aros yn sych.

Er gwaetha unrhyw ddiffyg llwyddiant, rydw i wedi mwynhau bod lan ar y to ac yn gweld gerddi ein cymdogion - fel yn yr amlygiad dwbl hwn.

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I've started running again - a slow 5k today, but it's a start. Of course when I say 'I've started running again' it sounds like I'm going to continue, but it's impossible to know. It's been over three months (I think) since I ran. I don't run in the rain, or when it's too cold, or when I'm too busy... The only way I know if I'm going to keep running is when I have actually run. So we'll see. No promises. Even to myself.

I was up on the roof again. We now have an idea about the cause of the problem, but I'm not sure if I have the expertise to solve it. I've done my best, but we may have to call in the professionals. I'm starting to feel like I'm too old to crawl on the roof. I'm pretty sure the roof doesn't leak when it's not raining. Unfortunately Daniel wants more guarantee of staying dry.

Despite any lack of success, I've enjoyed being up on the roof and seeing our neighbours' gardens - as in this double exposure.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Amlygiad dwbl o erddi ein cymdogion
Description (English): A double exposure of our neighbours gardens

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