curns' corner

By curns

It’s my final day in the office before I go on holiday so there were a few things to catch up on. I seem to have been given some responsibility for making sure product documentation is done so we had a call about the process. It’s a little vague but I think I’ve managed to work it out. Later, there was a session to review a the Product  Update slides for the Q2 Product Update later in the month.

Even though I have only been in the new job a few weeks and I had a couple of weeks off in between jobs, I am quite looking forward to going away to the sunshine with friends. The gap between jobs was filled with chores - I have written a lot about the reorganisation of this room - and I took some days to volunteer for the events surrounding The Queen’s death.  It was all good but it meant every day was filled with interesting things to do but not very restful.  Going off to the sun next week will be fantastic It’s looking like the weather will be great.  I am also beginning to really notice the darker evenings now because this lamp that sits in the corner of the room comes on more often.  I have attached it to a smart plug so that I can ask Alexa to switch it on while I am at working. It’s perhaps a bit lazy but it does feel like the future.   Although the sun officially set at 6:09pm today I had the light on a little earlier as it was feeling quite gloomy. 

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