
By KCNQ2Haiku


Panic blip again!
Some days get away from you! 
Dentist, tip, pet shop.

These days it's quite unusual to get to the end of the day having taken no photos.  But here we are!  Emergency blip territory!
So.. meet Fenton.
He is a lovely Fox doorstop Christmas present from Mr KCNQ2Haiku.  Ben has named him Fenton.  We are very fond of Fenton, he is our practice dog :-D We can pat him on the head, ask him to sit and say 'good boy'.  It's easy.  I can't see the actual puppy being any trouble after we've had all this practice!!  It's quite a relief.
The day has been busy in parts, I did some ironing, we went to the tip, then Mr KCNQ2Haiku's mum came to sit with Ben whilst I went to the dentist.  Don't task about the dentist.  It was a scrapey, anaestheticy one.  Not a fan. It was lunch when I got back but I couldn't eat, so I ended up having a cup a soup and even that I was worried about, so I let it go cold first.  There's not much that's worse than a cup a soup.. but a cold cup a soup might be up there :-/
Anyway, it's all settled down now.  Ben and I went to the pet shop in the afternoon whilst Grandma was with older teen and we bought some fun chews and puppy toys.  We might not have the bed and lead yet.. but at least we're ready to play! 
Ben's a bit over done now though, he was cross when his brother came home and wanted to talk to me, he took the food processor bowl and said, "this is mine now".. not the worst of threats but shows how out of his comfort zone he was.  He was distracted and talked down and all has been well since.
Nearly bedtime and Fenton is still being a really good boy :-D

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