
By KCNQ2Haiku

Ben in Jail!

Wet trip into town
Fun on the tram and then found
Police Museum!

Ben and I had planned a trip into Manchester today, it worked out quite well as it was a rainy day so it was good to dodge the downpours by being in and out of the tram or shops etc.  It's not without its drama obviously.  Mr KCNQ2Haiku wanted some decaf coffee beans and you'd think it would be fairly easy to pop in and out of a few coffee shops in the Northern Quarter until we found some.. but Ben finds it so hard to handle the uncertainty of whether we'll find what we want, so going in to anywhere is a really big deal.   The lovely people in Takk helped us out by selling us some of their coffee beans out of their machine even though they didn't have any bags put together for sale.  That will do Mr KCNQ2Haiku for now :-D
We then talked down Hilton Street a little way and Ben saw the police museum and asked to go in.. I couldn't think of a good reason why not on the spot(!) so we went in for a bit.  He was very, very giddy, wanted to try on all the police uniform and hats and look at the motorbikes but he was less interested in the information on the wall and the courthouse upstairs.  He did have a peek into a Victorian Cell as you can see in the photo!  It was more a less a success, although as MrKCNQ2Haiku points out, you can't know whether it'll turn into a troublesome obsession until a day or so later :-/. Fingers crossed.  We bought a magazine about dogs and had lunch in Starbucks, then hopped on the tram home.  I was shattered!  But we've still done some more clearing out and I now have a pretty clear room for when Leo arrives and two shelves in the utility for dog related storage.  Go me.  Although the car is now full to bursting with things for the tip or charity shops.. but that's a tomorrow problem!! 

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