Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers

Hat Day.

Today was a hat day, I decided this on account of liking the look of it at about 4am when i couldn't sleep.

I have more sessioning planned for this weekend, ridiculously excited!

Last friday I was looking after this little girl called Hollie, i should have been partying, but this kid took a shine to me, and I mean she really did, i carried her everywhere and looked after her, her mother was drunk and her dad's in prison, so I put her to bed, found her dummy, changed her, the lot. She's adorable I enjoyed looking after her so much, I've asked if I can see her again, she's absolutely lovely. I taught her different colours, and I showed her new things, ehr mum was gobsmacked that she took such a shine to me, she came running up to me even when she was with other people she knew! It was lovely.

Anyway, today I got up at 5pm. How lazy am I.

Haven't seen Charli and James and Bethan and Courtney in ages, its sad, I miss them, but I don't think Bethan has time for me anymore, so I guess that was coming a while back anyway.

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