Another Cityscape

I started this. Couple of days ago. There’s more to do. I’m kind of liking it so far. Ha ha.

I spent much of today working on my third Storyworth question. My son gave me a subscription for my upcoming big birthday. He picks questions and I upload answers to them. I get a question a week for a year. I discovered I can actually do more than one a week. So far I’ve done three: What were my favorite toys as a kid? What was my mom like when I was growing up? Today I added my own question: What was my dad like when I was growing up? I saw the next question was something else and I didn’t want to skip talking about my dad. My son gets to see the answers and I added Shelly so he can read them too. He’s doing this too with his daughter giving him questions. In a year Storyworth will make a book of all the questions and answers. It’s so cool for both our kids and for us.

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