A bit late

These three Christmas cards were delivered this afternoon from the Royal Fail. What intrigues me is the middle one - why was that classed as a large letter? It's nothing like large!
Usual Friday of Tesco shopping, hanging out washing etc. 
While shopping in Tesco I was looking for the electrical items and must have been looking puzzled because a man I passed spoke to me. He was standing at the end of an aisle, presumably waiting for someone shopping in that aisle. "No idea," he said smiling. We exchanged a few words and I kept wondering where I know him from. Not wishing to appear daft though (in case he's just someone who passes our house walking his dog or something) I didn't ask how I know him. I was further away in the store before it dawned on me that he is a television actor! Don't ask me his name, I cannot remember and I can't quite recall what he's been in but I know I've seen him in a few things.
I have a theory about well known / famous people - they try to look incognito with hats etc and yet if they are not recognised I think they are disappointed and try to make sure they are! Years ago we were admiring a very old building in Dartmouth and there was a bloke looking at it too. He was wearing a big hat. I walked away to get a photo of the building and he started talking to Terry. It was Rik Mayall! He is on our photo (a view of him from the back) although I didn't know at the time.

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