Jan 7

This is only the third time I have seen a pileated woodpecker. Twice in Shubie Park and once on another trail. They are a large bird and almost pre-historic looking. I was hoping he would stay there until I could get a better view of him, but he flew away into the woods.
We had about 5 cm of snow overnight, it stuck to all the trees and made for some great photo ops. I had to stay home first thing this morning waiting for a new mattress to be delivered. Fortunately they arrived by 10 am, so I headed out right after they left. The parking lot at Shubie was almost full when I arrived. Everyone had the same idea, get out and take advantage of the sun while we have it.
Yes, there was blue skies for most of the day and the temperature was just above freezing, around 2 C.

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