Jan 6

After the 1.5 hour orientation session this morning for my new merchandising job I decided to take a drive out to Eastern Passage. I didn't see anything there worth stopping for a photo. I kept on and did the Cow Bay/Rainbow Haven loop, again, no birds in any of the usual spots. I decided to head for the section of the Harbourfront Trail that is close to downtown. I found this black guillemot there. It took several tries to get a photo of him, he kept diving.

I am going to have to check my schedule online this weekend for the new merchandising job. I finally received my log in information this afternoon. The trainer told me this morning that some more jobs had been added to my schedule. February could get really interesting if MCA decides to offer me more money to continue doing the relines for them. I will have to email them on Monday morning and let them know that I will also be working for another company this year, and that they offered me more money to start than what I am making after 10 years with MCA.

Another gray day. I had to scrape ice off the windshield of the truck this morning. There must have been some freezing rain last night. A friend of mine posted on FB today, she wants to see lots of flower photos and photos with blue sky. She has had enough of this gray weather.

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