These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Settling in...

This is Andrew. weighing in at a whopping 5 lb 7oz as of this morning!

It was a tough decision on the blip tonight. We had a somewhat successful photo shoot this evening. It was successful in that we acquired a handful of keeper pictures. it was unsuccessful in that neither baby likes being naked at all (they get that from their dad) and they both like to pee everywhere whenever the diaper is removed. So, after a lot of screaming, pee everywhere, here is what we got! I had another shot that I LOVED, but it didn't show the precious little face quite so well!

We had a very nice day today. It was cooler and windier than expected, but we filled our day with visits with friends, trips to the park, play dough and dress up. The twins had a doctor appointment today and they are healthy and are growing - which is great news. Kelly and Chris are pretty exhausted, but Kelly is so laid back, she just seems to go with the flow in everything. She is doing great!

Tyler was thrilled to get to play with good friends today. Mia is entering a bit of an arnry stage and is having major issues with nap time and bedtime. It's not any fun, but it is what it is. another stage to deal with!

I'm heading to bed, hopefully to get a full night sleep and be ready to take on the day tomorrow! Goodnight all!

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