These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Tis the season of birth....

We've had lots of excitement around our house, with the birth of the twins - and today, I discovered more life growing around our house. I was outside watering my tomatos, when I came across this spiderweb. At first, all I saw was the web. I tried to spray it down with my water. and all of a sudden, I realized the web was completely full of thousands and thousands of baby spiders!

It kind of grossed me out - but was pretty darn cool all at the same time!

We adventured out today, and took the double stroller, the dog Tux, and Tyler on his new bike for a ride/walk to the building site of Kelly's new house. It was truly a bit ambitious and I was relieved when we all were home safe and sound. Between keeping track of the stroller, holding onto Tux, and having to give TYler a push to get going every minute or so, it was truly an adventure!

We're gearing up for dinner out with friends tonight while the kids are at their club. Can't wait!

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