
Lego models have come a long way since I was a child.We used to play with it a lot but I always preferred Meccano.It is still possible to buy Meccano model kits that will make one or a limited number of models today.What isn't available is the construction kits that came with a booklet of numerous models that could be made.The Meccano colours of my childhood was blue and yellow and almost every piece was made of metal.Meccano was invented by Frank Hornby of model railway fame and manufactured in Liverpool.

The model in the main picture is a Short Eared Owl standing about 4ft high and the extras show an Emperor Dragonfly and a Frog.

On the nursery today we have emailed our catalogues and price list out to customers.Helen has made a start washing and steaming the plug trays and I have been working on the irrigation system.

Some good sunny spells this morning.An overcast and windy afternoon with some showers.

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