Sea glass star

When I packed the tree decorations yesterday, I kept the newest star to enjoy a little longer. It was pretty on the tree, but I wanted to see its colours and translucence more clearly, so I took it up to my little study/sewing space and, after failed attempts to position it safely in the window, I hung it from a pin in my noticeboard where it will catch the sun, when there is any, or sparkle in the light from my desk lamp. It's small rather than tiny, about 8 cm across, so borderline for Tiny Tuesday but all I have today, with apologies for the rather grubby wall.

Today was not a day for outdoor photography. It rained till early afternoon, by which time I was waiting for the supermarket delivery. I went for a brisk half hour walk just before four, when it was getting dark but was still light enough to see where my feet were going. Otherwise, it's been a day of useful but uninspiring household jobs. 

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