Jan 10

A quiet day today. The wind was cold this morning and I couldn't make up my mind if I should go for a walk or go for a drive somewhere. Then I looked at the road report and once you got outside of the city most of the roads were showing yellow, which meant they had slippery areas. I thought about going for a drive around the Sambro loop and finding a sheltered area there to go for a walk, then I changed my mind and went to a trail in Sackville. I often go there when it is icy, as that trail is kept clear and it is paved, so it is easy for walking. It wasn't icy today and most of it was sheltered enough to keep out of the wind. Not much bird activity there other than some mallards.
When I came home, the finches had invaded the feeder. Between the feeder, the deck and the trees, there was around 25 finches. No pine siskins with them today.
My roommates finally got their notice that they can move back to their apartment. They will spend the night there tomorrow, then come back here on Thursday to get everything moved out of the room here. I will miss them, and will have a couple of days on my own before the new roommate moves in this weekend.
I have my first assignment with my new merchandising job scheduled for tomorrow morning.

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