Tel's Blips

By TerryS365


Does joining blipfoto speed up time? It surely cannot be 1 year since master blip-recruiter John Gravett persuaded me to start a blip journal.

At first I had no intention of posting every day but the challenge took hold and much to my surprise I have made it to 365 consecutive blips many of which I am pleased with and some not so much. Trying to find images every day is certainly works wonders for your photography and I find I am seeing the world in a different light and noticing things I would have missed totally prior to joining.

A big thank you to each and everyone who takes the time and trouble to view each day, your comments, stars and the occasional heart are very much appreciated.

I have made many blip-friends over the year some I will never meet, some I have already met and some I hope to meet in the future. This is a wonderfully friendly forum to be part of which is quite a rarity on the internet these days.

As to the future, I have promised myself a few days blip-holiday before returning possibly with a new journal name, any polite suggestions will be gratefully considered.

I fully intend to keep blipping maybe not every single day in the second year so will not be posting 'emergency blips' just to fill up the gaps. Time restrictions make it difficult sometimes to comment on every one of my subscriptions each day but I do try to view all your posts and am constantly amazed at the quality and diversity of your efforts.

This is such a great community to be part of so after a short breathing space I will be back hopefully reinvigorated for a second year of Blipping.

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