Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Play with me!

Another very busy day of work.  I am finishing up a major project for a client which involves writing another ridiculously long report (over 100 pages now).  It's not all writing - most are graphs, maps and other illustrations.  But its a lot of work - especially when I am still not back a full throttle yet.  

Remember when I mentioned that we didn't get that snow?  Well, it came early this morning - about 6 inches of a very wet, heavy snow.  So, since my better half is still not feeling well, I shoveled our walkway and driveway.   A few hours later, the sun came out and melted much of it anyway, but now all of that moisture on the ground has frozen again and we are having snow showers again.  But I do feel very sorry for those who are getting flooded in California.  It sounds just awful! 

So, since I didn't get outside again, and since I needed to finish this report anyway, my poor pups are feeling "cabin-fever".  Little Yofi interrupted repeatedly all day and just wanted to play and be loved.  She is such a sweetheart.  

This isn't the best photo of her.  She's not thrilled about having her photo taken.  But I still like her expression here.  

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