Mr. House Finch

The kitties had an early annual vet appointment today. Hubby always takes them. The vet suggested doing extensive blood work on Millie since she lost two pounds this year. At 16, we decided not to put her (or us) through the agony of facing the results. She is eating every meal so we expect to see her gain weight. I had a paperwork day. Finally read all our Christmas cards, sorted through unimportant mail, wrote to the child I sponsor, etc. Hubby put away the rest of the Christmas stuff that was outside. He had a dermo appt and picked up meds. I did laundry, fed the birds and cleaned the kitchen. We had a ton of birds at the feeders (cardinals, blue Jay, various sparrows, bluebirds, titmice, juncos and finches). I waited patiently to get a decent photo and worked on the result. I really want a chickadee shot but they simply will not cooperate. Chase came by after school. He is such an interesting young man. We always have lively discussions. The microwave is installed; Parker did my heavy lifting. So we should finish off any remaining leftovers tonight. So thankful the FAA fiasco was short-lived. Kristen and I worked on a contingency plan to get her home from FL this weekend. Glad Sky and Mancil are taking chartered buses tomorrow to get to FL and VT instead of flying. Stay safe folks. Thanks for dropping by. “The birds sing every morning as they know they have another day to live. Life and mornings are a gift. Learn to enjoy them as the birds do.” - Unknown

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