Did anyone see where the time went?

500 days ago I uploaded a picture to a website I'd barely heard of.
499 days ago I uploaded another one.
498 days ago I did it again.
497 days ago...

Now I go for a short walk in the afternoon and get back after sunset, I sit in front of the computer and my tea goes undrunk, my bookpile grows unheeded, I miss meals and I creep to bed sometime in the small hours when my feet are so cold that my brain's stopped.

But isn't it fun! I'm so glad you lovely lot are along for the ride. The stars and hearts and occasional spotlight are great, being tweeted and facebooked was astonishing, but best is getting the comments and encouragement, looking at other people's inspiring, eye-opening, funny, envy-inducing, beautiful, jaw-dropping photos, reading some superb words, being introduced to new music, poems, and books (mostly unread, but still) and making friends. So much for saying at my last milestone that I'd start commenting less. Stupid idea.

Many thanks and all credit to the folks at Blipcentral (who I hope can find a way, long before my next milestone, of allowing my non-blip friends to see more than five pictures at a time - that's the only sad thing about this whole brilliant site).

Now, anyone got time for some cold tea?

(Do please note the shutter speed - I'm nothing if not thorough.)

Edit: shutter speed no longer appears in the EXIF data but it was 1/500

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