Busy and Fun

A long day, starting with a visit to the chiropractor - great to see him and my body sure needed it! 

Then a couple of dear friends came for lunch, bringing the entire thing. What fun! After that I iced my knee and took a nap, only to be followed by hosting my book group at my house. I think we had 11 women, all fascinated by the book we read: Our Woman in Moscow by Beatriz Williams. A great book if you haven't read it. "Hosting" really meant that I got to sit on my own couch with ice on my knee, while my friends brought the wine and nibbles and enjoyed seeing my new house ;-)

It's not yet 7 pm and I'm tired! Back to the ice and the couch. But a great day all told.

The bright red berries of an unknown cultivar of Nandina domestica or Sacred Bamboo outside the chiropractor's office this morning. They're so darned cheerful this time of year!

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