
Nighttime wildlife...
The night of the foxes with Cat Jade watching...

The dog fox is more interested in shiny foil containers than in his missus, who gives him a hint of what she would like...


Creative went wrong. My fault. I was painting in ZenBrush3, but I forgot I was wearing my yellow tinted glasses which affects my colour perception. I thought I was doing a silhouette in black. But when I took my yellow tinted glasses off, I realise the silhouette was in bright blue! I was not a happy bunny. And I spent the next hour trying to retrieve it, which was a mistake. It would've been easier to start again. So here's my rubbish attempt for today.

Now I need a nap...

N.B. Jade is just a black face today, just gone down to under her eyes. And she had a pointy ear, and her cleanly cut left ear and a thinner face to distinguish from Midnight (it looks perfect on my iPad !), but the lossy effect of jpeg, has made a pig's ear of my clean cut silhouette of her and it looks blurry...aaagggh...

I will get better at this....

I will find time today to respond to comments! I have been busy last few days, and was tired when I got home....so me and Midnight have been napping....

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