"You may think this is a waste of money, but reducing your stock and relieving yourself of the burden of excess is the quickest and most effective way to put your things in order." - Marie Kondo

Phil-the-builder (day 2) continued the long list of jobs around the house, some large, some small, all of which keep me busy too.  Today's achievements included new pipework in the loft from the water tank to the immersion heater, with the extra benefit that I now have a beautifully organized airing cupboard having given away about 50% of the contents - I don't need nearly twenty hand towels; fitting a new (tall) mixer tap to the kitchen sink, necessitating emptying the cupboard under the sink of I don't know how many years worth of cleaning products, some of which have definitely been there since Dad bought them. Tidying up and sorting out these and other spaces occupied me all day and evening - but that is fine because the weather continues awful and anyway, it's kind of fun and the end result, organized spaces, giving excess items to someone who can use them, and a bin full of discarded items that are almost historical artifacts,  is marvelous. Soul cleansing somehow. 

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