“Boundaries define us. They define what is me and what is not me. A boundary shows me where i end and someone else begins, leading me to a sense of ownership. Knowing what I am to own and take responsibility for gives me freedom." - Henry Cloud

I suppose the most noticeable difference about today was the weather. Bright sunshine all day, although deceptively cold.  Phil-the-builder day 3, today he started the work I want done on my front paved parking area. I'm having (removable) bollards, linked with chains to deter folk from parking badly or putting their bins on my drive rather than on the public path, or pedestrians who walk across it as a route to cut off the corner, whilst still having a useful parking space for visiting friends.  Petty, I know, but it annoys me. Presumably it annoys my neighbours too, as they asked Phil to quote for doing the same to their front paved parking area. Boundaries and territory - I guess humans are like most creatures in setting and defending them. 

Meanwhile, Charlie and I went to the council dump - she had an excess of trash and, after yesterday's kitchen cupboard clear out, I had a bag of corrosive liquids and dangerous products to be disposed of in an environmentally responsible way.  Chelmsford city dump 'recycling centre' is incredibly well organized, where rules are posted and boundaries surround and isolate specific locations for everything from cooking oil to cardboard, garden waste to general garbage.  I loved the superstar heroes and villains on the fence where no longer loved toys have been rescued and given new territories to rule, protect and defend. 

Early evening bro and I went to the Gardeners Pub for a two-for-one cheap but delicious dinner and couple of pints of Greene King IPA.  Haven't seen him for 2-3 days so we had stuff to share. Back home I carried on sorting and organizing the craft room until a late visit from Maddy and her bf Harry and we chatted away until midnight. 

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