An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

The Scottish Patient…


Thank you SO much for all your wonderful messages of support in yesterdays blip. A great comfort x

Alan had a slightly better day today. Mechanical ventilation is off the table at the moment so that’s a relief. He’s still on oxygen but coping well with a lower dose. Temperature keeps spiking but that seems to coincide with pain levels. Got him increased pain meds yesterday and that’s helped him settle.

His mouth is still really sore but he let me spend ages wiping his lips, teeth and tongue with a wee sponge on a stick dipped in cool water. I think he liked the feel of the water as he’s current nil by mouth so not getting any drinks. I was able to get rid of all the dry skin off his lips then slathered them in bonjela and a little later some lip salve. I got a few smiles as a result.

Next step will hopefully be a move to an ordinary ward, which will be a good sign but a bit of a shock after the high level of nursing support in HDU.

Lola staying with R till Friday so that’s a relief.

Thanks again for all your lovely comments. Will reply when I have a minute x

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