Flap, quack and fly!

Ten minutes ago as I sat at my desk, looking through blip journals and replying to comments, my thoughts were interrupted by a very loud "Quack!"

With camera in hand, I rushed off to find my pair of Australian Wood Ducks. It seems like forever since their last visit.

There they both were, down in the pool. My first shot would have been a fabulous photo, if I had the time to change the camera to the sports setting, when one of the ducks lifted its wings and flapped water everywhere. Unfortunately it turned out blurry, but there will be other opportunites for action shots.

They didn't stay long, just enough time to flap, quack and fly!

Checking back through my journal, the last time they were here was April 3rd, so only just over a month ago. It seems longer, I miss them when I don't see them. :)

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