A UFO, stopping for a drink....

....also known as "Big Bird".

And Big Bird wasn't alone either, he (or she) arrived in my next door neighbours yard, screeching and flapping by the multitudes. They didn't stay long enough in the tree they had alighted in for me to grab even a quick photo.

Next thing, one perched upon a flimsy branch even closer to me, but again, before I could raise my camera, it was off....landing this time on next door's bird bath.

I took five photos of Big Bird in total, before the flock screeched away into the distance, no longer to be seen.

It's a shame I didn't get a shot of Big Birds face as I would like to know if he has a straight or curved beak. Not that seeing the face would help with identification....

According to my so far 100% reliable website, which has helped me identify even the most difficult (or so I have thought) bird species, Big Bird simply does not exist.

It could be a White-tailed Black-Cockatoo, owing to its white tail feathers, except they have white tufts on the side of their faces. This one has yellow on its face. Also, White-tailed Black-Cockatoos can only be found on the other side of Australia, around the southern coastal regions of Western Australia.

It could even be a Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo....aha! They do live in my area....BUT, they have yellow in their tail feathers, this one has white.....

So for now, I will identify Big Bird as a Black Cockatoo, unless some very knowledgable bird-blipper can tell me exactly what Big Bird is. :))

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