Ice Ice Baby

It’s been very cold here over the past couple of days, with the daytime temperature barely getting above zero. I was intrigued by the ice in one of our troughs - it almost looks as if something interrupted the freezing process, causing the cracking. None of the other troughs or bird baths looked like this, just clear ice as you would expect, so it’s a bit of a mystery.
Other than that, it’s been a quiet day as we are both still suffering from the lurgy, so it’s mainly been about resting and keeping warm. I did manage to turn on the PC to catch up on emails, and had to send several apologetic replies to people who had contacted me well over a week ago!
Tonight is my last night in for some time as a combination of play rehearsals, nights out with friends and a trip to the theatre will occupy my evenings from tomorrow until the following Friday. And there I was thinking things would quieten down once Panto was over!

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