Brecksville Reservation

My first TA hike of the new year!  After an early morning rain, it was wet and feeling balmy at 45 degrees. The sun came out just as JH and I started our 2 hour shift on the asphalt Chippewa Creek APT. We met lots of people and I petted several dogs. This hilly reservation has countless streams off the Cuyahoga River,  so the dirt trails were all mud with some remaining unmelted snow and ice. JH and I felt every inch of the 240-foot climb from the river back up to our cars. He’s an easy companion. 

My plan to cross the road into Cuyahoga Valley National Park before returning home was thwarted by an oft flooded road. (Top right). JH marveled size of the old Dawn Redwood (bottom left). I popped into the gorgeous nature center to gaze at the carvings in the chestnut walls and beams. (Bottom right, obv.)

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