
By laniakea


It was so cold today. We were almost late to school because it took so long defrosting the windows. We made it to the gates just as the bell was ringing. 

I cleaned a lot today and finished working with a designer on a children's workstation / desk / shelf unit for the living room. It's a tiny little space that both Linc and I can use. I've completely taken over the dining table with my cameras, external drives, books and photos, so it'll be nice to have an actual desk space again. 

When Linc got off school, he told me I forgot to pack his wellies. "Mom, you know I was the only one in my whooole class that didn't have wellies?? Mommm." I felt bad and have asked his teacher to keep the wellies in the classroom now instead of having me pack them every Tuesday for forest school. Carrying wellies, two snack boxes, one lunch box and his reading books really take a toll on my neck and back.

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