Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

The Last Time

Today is the last time my car will be my own, because it is the last time I will have no children old enough to drive. Gulp. Hopefully he will take YEARS to pass his test....

Really this was an excuse for a song on a grey, windy, rainy, cold day in May (incidentally, I know where I was 17 years ago today and I recall it being a very hot day - so much so they opened the windows of the delivery room, and I could hear the yells coming from next door room. Mr kagsy and I looked at each other in horror. My little cherub waited until after midnight to put in an appearance and I don't think I yelled too much).

This tune was number one on the day of my own birth 38 years ago (I think I may have got away with that little fib). Click here to find yours (apologies if you were born before 1952...) Share it with me!

Happy rainy day.

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