100+% Emergency!!!

Fortunately - I checked first.
I was all primed up, and at full cock; ready to fire off another Grumble.  
Number of batteries we're forced to buy and the Crowbar/Dynamite required to access them.  I had that chunter six days short of 12 months ago, almost to the day.  SO - Instead I used all else I'd shot that day.

Every 3rd/4th Blue Moon or so, I treat myself to a "Something" from Sainsbury's; albeit different somethings, but all presented similarly, in two wee ceramic Dishes.

Being somewhat averse to immediately binning anything, I managed to accrue half a dozen.
More out of curiosity than any other concept, I offered them on Freegle©. Woodjer bleeve I had 2-3 takers, so I know what to do next Blue Moon? 

Comical aside - ref - "Albeit"
I can't, in reality, converse in other than two langauges (Three if you include Dialect.)
1. English language.
2. BAD language.
(3. Dialect.)
BUT I had a few yrs French @ School and a whole fortnight's German, during which I discovered the difference in pronuncition twixt dIEsel and mEIn.  Having heard "all be it" in speech, for decades, I'd never actually seen it in print.
As a result of which I read "~ ~ ~ albite~ ~ ~ " a time or two before the light finally dawned.

Rewminding me of a tale I heard, on Radio YEARS ago, about one of the best educated folkthis person had met.  He knew such a lot but woefully mispronounced the vast majority of it; due entirely to the fact he'd self-taught read it all, but never heard it said.
(:¬ o)

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