a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Staying dry

The Chiffchaff managed to elegantly stretch across the gap to reach whatever it was that it had found to nibble, while staying in the dry.  

I can't remember which wildlife photographer it was that told me to always try to get the camera down low when taking pictures of birds on the water, but it is definitely a good idea.  Of course, standing in the water, bending forward holding a camera and long lens above the water while squinting at a screen to see if you have the thing in focus is a skill in itself.

Like the Chiffchaff I also managed to stay dry while taking this (and more importantly keep the camera dry), although I did have one moment when something moved under my wellie boot and I thought that I might have made a very expensive mistake.  It would have been particularly frustrating because, it's not even that great a photo when all is said and done.  


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