Mono Monday: Down

There's only one down for me today and that's Down Dog. At 08:00 I joined a half hour, online wake up yoga class. This afternoon at 5:30pm I'm off for another 1:1 session, in person, with my yoga yeacher. I make myself sound like a fanatic but I'm not really. Poor scheduling on my part. When I booked this morning's class I'd forgotten about this evening.

It wasn't easy to make this blip, some rather undignified balancing was involved. My grandson calls the veins on the backs of my hands 'sticks'. I've smoothed them out a bit! Thank you to Skeena.

Busy childminding day though Cameraman has taken the wee lad out so I've had a chance to do a bit of cooking etc. And prepare myself for more Down Dogs!

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