
By KCNQ2Haiku

Balsamic Vinegar :-/

What to do when late??
Complain to Ben who suggests,
"just blip vinegar".

OK then.  I had no photos at all today.  Not even a little pup for you.  I was just giving Leo a bit of a brush and Ben pointed out, "you haven't even blipped yet.."  I sighed, yes I know but I haven't got a photo yet.  He offered, "Well, just take a photo of Balsamic Vinegar."  Which was so beautifully random that I thought, OK maybe I will :-D 
Anyway, it's been busy.  I'm finding it hard to get my normal jobs done whilst keeping an eye on Leo.  It'll settle down and it should get easier when he can come for proper walks and also be left for short periods.  In the meantime it's very intensive.  He had a great night though, slept through from 10 til 5:30 without going outside or me having a puddle to get up to.  A win!  He's so sweet when I come down in the morning, I get the best greetings, although he's getting a bit nippy and I'm not quite sure how to stop him.  I'm sort of squealing and looking hurt and then trying not to engage for a few seconds but that doesn't seem to sink in.  I guess he's only teeny for now, so we'll just watch it.
Ben has been OK enough, he was good at school and enjoys having Leo on the journeys but he was quite cross before tea when I wouldn't give him another snack and he was shouting and throwing etc.  So frustrating.
Other things.. my microwave is broken so I'm waiting for someone to come and look at it and my tooth still hurts from my dentist adventure last week, so I need to go back in to see them :-( 
Right, I'm going to leave you with my balsamic vinegar.  We have vegan ragu for eta which is one of my faves, an Ottolenghi recipe - yum!

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