Jeremy Kyle

My human absolutely LOVES 'Jeremy Kyle'. She started watching JK in 2005 when she first got 'MollyCollie'. She'd take MollyCollie for her morning walk (and if she wasn't working), she'd switch on the TV, have breakfast and her day wouldn't start until 10.25pm when the JK show ended. If she was working............... then I guess she just missed that episode of JK cos I don't think 'catch up' was available then.

Fast forward to 2023. JK was taken off air about 4 years ago because someone who had appeared on the show had committed suicide. ….....And Ann has missed JK ever since.

Her friend G, who Ann met about 6/7 years ago and who is a bit of a snob. Lol! Said, 'I love how upfront about how uncultured you are?' Mmmmm.... Is that a compliment or an insult?

Anyway G messaged Ann today and said that JK was on FV channel 237 at 7pm tonight. Obv my human had to check it out immediately because she hasn't seen JK for almost 4 years.

What a load of rubbish...........................

My human is no longer in love with Jeremy Kyle........................

PS – Do you like the flower on our Amaryllis plant? Fabulous isn't it?!!!

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