Looking Up

One can never be sure what one will see when one looks up around here. We were up early because the technician was coming for our annual furnace check. As I was making my coffee, they called to see if he could come between 3 and 5.

It's been busy ever since. John got the first of two coats of sealer on the deck. I did the basic research and discovered the difference between sealer and stain. He got a clear sealer which is perfect. Spike somehow got out there and walked on it before it was quite dry.

As I was getting Spike off the deck I happened to look up into the remaining oak branches and saw a large vulture looking down at me. It turned its back on me while I was getting my camera, but it was enjoying the sun and not inclined to leave its perch. We're quite used to seeing large numbers of them soaring overhead, but this is the first time one has actually come down to perch so close to the house.

We had a good session with Kathy who thought perhaps John's foot pain was plantar fasciitis. He said it was feeling better today than it did yesterday and she said he has a triple whammy in that foot of nerve damage from a back injury, duPutryn's syndrome on the bottom of his foot and muscle weakness from the fibula he broke a couple of years ago. Good thing he has an appointment with the foot surgeon tomorrow. He has moved offices and we're hoping he's happier where he is now because he seemed really burned out the last time John saw him for his broken leg. This is really just a follow up visit from that, but it will be interesting to see if he has anything to say about the other issues.

The furnace guy came right after John left to go to the store. His report was that our furnace is still working properly but is definitely living on borrowed time. Apparently anything over 20 is really good and ours is 24 years old. He has no way of predicting when it is likely to give up the ghost other than that it would inevitable be 'on the coldest day of the year'. Before he took his leave, he asked if we had anything heavy that he can help up move. He must have seen John limping up the front steps with a heavy grocery bag.

We're considering putting in a heat pump if we have to replace our furnace if/when we have to. 

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