
I finally got around to taking my library book back to Bourton this afternoon. I then went off in search for something with the theme of celebration for Wide Wednesday. I wasn't very hopeful. Maybe you will see some balloons said mrsfb :-)

I ended up with this, with a tenuous link to the theme, my thinking being that often large amounts of alcohol are consumed when celebrating? Oh well.

I was home alone this morning as mrsfb was off gallivanting with a friend at Burford Garden Centre. I passed the time by calibrating (that's nearly celebrating) my laptop screen (not much difference really, which is what I found with the desktop monitor yesterday). I also did an on line Sainsbury's shop for Sunday, and tried to watch a bit of Everything Everywhere All At Once. It's my second attempt. I'm determined to finish it but I can't really understand how/why it has been nominated for so  many awards. It just seems to be a bit of a mess to me.

Another camera club meeting this evening, remote using MIcrosoft Teams which I have never used before. Should be interesting if it goes ahead - I read that there have been problems with Teams today.

One year ago:
The Good Life
He is still there in the arbour.

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