Spyder Alert!

A diary blip today.

I was planning to go to the library in Bourton but checking the times it appeared to be closed this afternoon, so I will go tomorrow now.

Instead I have been playing with a Spyder, borrowed from camera club yesterday. It doesn't seem to have done much apart from darkening my screen.

Camera club was interesting yesterday, lots of good stuff on multiple exposures. It's the set subject for our next competition. The submission is not until the end of next month so there is plenty of time to experiment.

I didn't win anything in the raffle this week.

There was some amusement last night as a presentation was made to a long serving member. Another member, who used to have a wedding photography business, was commissioned to take some photos, including a group photo. Guess what, her camera and flash unit wouldn't work properly, so she had to use an iPhone. It could only happen at camera club.

In other news the window cleaner came today, first time for 104 days. We didn't give him a Christmas tip.

One year ago:
Necessities Of (Still) Life

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