Burns Night

It happened to be on our regular book group meet date so I made some haggis parcels and whisky sauce as a nod to the occasion.  

These are the same lovely people who 6 weeks ago enthused about my Christmas canapes, even though, dramatically, they were drenched in prosecco thanks to the cat....  (She'd jumped up on the coffee table after a salmon something.. It had a Christmas tablecloth on.... I tried to push her of the table and her claws stuck in the cloth and pulled all the drinks over onto the Christmas canapes I'd lovingly and painstakingly prepared).

But my lovely friends were very kind and even complimentary, so I felt confident tonight that I could provide something acceptable.

The photo is of me flambéing the whisky sauce - to remove the alcohol.  Huh? - but don't worry, replacement alcohol was available in the form of white wine.

It's Book Club after all....

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