Ambling Camera

By AmblingCamera

The Stray Cats of Dubrovnik

The Mistress was going to blip a really good view of the walled city of Dubrovnik, from her walk around the city wall (up top) today. However, she picked this one, as she says it's restored her faith in humanity.

This is a corner of the city where a group of residents have come together to make an oasis for the stray cats. Here they feed them, water them, give them umbrellas, comfy chairs, blankets, and even a housing system (see behind the umbrella) for them. Once a day, they hose everything down at the end of the day, cleaning up the pots, watering and making sure everything is clean.

A little donation box is there for anyone that wants to help. We all did.

The Mistress got talking to one of the women who does this, and was told that during the tourist season, the donations really pour in, but off season, they struggle a bit. Right now 20 cats are using the oasis.

On the walk home, we saw a little kitten with a rotting tail - obviously has been in a bad accident. The tail needs removing. We can't stop thinking about it and wished there was something we could do.

We split to Split tomorrow!

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