Having A Rest.....!!!

I watched this pigeon settle himself down for a nice rest atop the fence....and then very quietly and carefully took this photo thru the blinds, doing my best no to attract Mels attention....!
Otherwise there would have been ‘blue murder’....because between the squirrels and the pigeons and the crows and the magpies ....she’s been a very busy dog these last few days...!

Uploading this morning (thurs)...
Too tired to Blip last night .....bad pain day, not sure why....I was knitting...just for a change and I’m really thinking it’s because of the way I must tense muscles etc., is the possible cause...I’m not sure it sounds bizarre but I’ve had it before.!
So took the drugs. Slept reasonably well and not quite so bad this morning..

25th January..Quote...

You Can’t Please Everyone.....!!

Well, how true is that....!!???

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