What are your views on transgender?

I ask this because two miles down the road a double rapist, Isla Bryson, is installed in Cornton Vale, the only women's prison in Scotland. 

How has this come about? Well, a recent change in Scottish law allows anyone over 16 to self identify to the gender of their choice. 

Previously known as Adam Graham, he raped two women and after he was charged and awaiting trial he announced he is now transgender and wishes to be known as Isla Bryson.

When this potential loophole in the law, allowing violent men to self-certify their gender was pointed out to the Scottish Government they dismissed it as extremely unlikely.

However at lunchtime today Nicola Sturgeon, first Minister for Scotland, did a U-turn and announced that Isla Bryson, aka Adam Graham, would be transferred to a male prison in Edinburgh.

Well, it’s not often our wee Town Bridge of Allan and Cornton finds itself  the focus in the national media.

And I couldn’t resist popping down to the prison to see what was going on. I found a BBC cameraman already installed hoping to catch the transfer.

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