
By pipnat51

27/365 Foot

This morning I found this on the side in the kitchen and although it might look like a carrot I'm absolutely certain that it is in fact a hobbit's foot! If not then it's a very strange coincidence as for the first time ever I am reading 'The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien. It's a mystery.

New fencing delivered this morning and carted round to the back garden ready for them coming to carry out the work on Tuesday morning. No one told me that it was coming today so it's lucky that I was in. Must pop to my neighbours and warn them.

Weather here was dull all day and chilly. I was in the garden when they turned up although toing  and froing bringing unwanted wood in a wheelbarrow from a neighbour who didn't want it. I've sorted it all out and put it into a pile after removing a dozen 6" bolts and a ridiculous number of nails and screws. The fencers have said that they will use their chainsaw to cut it and the old posts into logs for the fire. That's handy.

Thank you all for the hearts, stars, and very kind comments given this week and please each and every one of you have a great weekend. xx

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