
By Marionb


Really? I went shopping? Me on the prowl in shops? It has been years...Covid saved me a lot of money...Yes, I have been out for specific things I have needed..but not just to browse and see what's out there waiting to be mine!

The impetus was that I did need a few things - exciting things like 3B pencils, and Micron pens in specific sizes..for my first Pen and Ink class this evening.. yes on a Friday night 7-9. Some people have exciting social lives and are always out on the town on Friday nights..some of us are not. So we sign up for things like fool us into thinking we have a social life...Anyway...there happened to be a clothing store nearby and that old urge returned - the Fun of the Hunt...

I never have much luck shopping on impulse; I end up buying things I never wear. I should have known better than to indulge, but all those gray days were taking a toll. I needed something to perk me up; so, (needless to say - but I will) of all the garments that accompanied me into the fitting room, the one I took home was that rather gaudy yellow one! All the grays, whites and blacks went back on the rack......Now..will I ever wear it? At this stage, I don't care. It was a bargain and it looks so lovely hanging there on my bedroom door - a splash of colour that evokes memories of sunshine and blue skies... so, well worth the paltry price.

Even more treats awaited in my own back yard when I got home; hence a collage of today's little surprises. (extra) The cardinals were enough in themselves, but then...the Cooper's Hawk was back! Perched up there on his favourite branch, surveying the Land of the Bird Feeders, Rabbits and Squirrels below him...and well beyond the range of my little pocket camera.. no hope of getting a clearly focused shot, but I tried. 

PS: The first pen and ink class was somewhat of a disappointment, but my hopes are up for the rest of them...

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