
I managed a run through the golf course this morning. I say run, I staggered like an old donkey up the hill and definitely walked round the muddy bits but it was what I set out to do so I was pleased.

Back to the allotment after that to do a bit more reorganising. I've split one of my big beds into two to make it easier to manage and I wanted to sort the edges out before they got too straggly. I also raked some of the persistent weeds out on some of the raised beds ready for later in the year. The robins were having a field day eating all the grubs they could find.

My site shop also had some Pink Fir Apple seed potatoes in, at an amazingly good price, so I picked some of those up to go with my Cara and Disiree. We'll be good for spuds for most of next year (and I still have a huge bag left from last year's crop) now.

I was going to make a birthday cake as well but Ill do it tomorrow now. I'm working away for a couple of days this week so I can take it with me if it doesn't get eaten.

The extra made me smile Remember when Minis really were small cars? This one may have been parked next to a huge Lexus but it really did look like a toy car.

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