
By MiaMeow

Hear no evil, see no evil.. you get the picture..

Tonight I decided last minute to go out. I phoned Jake and met him out the front of the GH. I hadnt seen him for a while, and missed our antics. Since he discovered Twitter had deleted him off my page he felt a drink to celebrate us being friends again was in order, even though we were never not friends just an internet glitch. Though, he did wonder if we had one of our routine after clubbing arguments and did it haha.
Any excuse for us to go for a boogie really. So we called in our other party animal buddy Marcus to join us.

I went up and surprised Tabitha then stayed to watch her shows. Suddenly our dear friend and third piece to me and Tabitha, Rikki showed up! She had moved to brissy last year and we are about to go visit her but didnt know she was in town with our other mate Julia. Everyone seemed to be out, Amelia Mole, my name sake drag queen was performing and Art Simone (both pictured) was working promo. It was so fun, I left at about midnight, Jake and I went to get a pide from the kebab shop ( there is a story behind that but another day lol) We left Marcus there but he actually didnt even notice we had left.

I went home and Rikki & Tab came over for catch up time. It was a lovely little night.

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