
My union, PCS, called for a national strike today, like so many other unions. The last such gathering of unions on strike I remember was 2011. I felt a bit isolated being so far from my physical workplace and colleagues but decided to join the rally. I ran into some PCS members on the underground and they kindly took me in. 

There’s something rather wonderful about the comradeship and solidarity of 40,000 people marching for the same reason. The atmosphere was hopeful and positive, a real sense of community and unity - just fabulous!

Early on we were approached by a reporter for The Washington Post. I started talking to her and it turns out we’re from the same province in Canada, not all that far apart (in Canadian terms). I happily spoke to her about my reasons for being on strike. Later on we were approached by the BBC’s political editor, Chris Mason (see extras). He was amiable and easy to speak to. I didn’t expect to make the news but was glad one of my colleagues did. I found out later that I was quoted in The Washington Post article. It’s funny. I’ve been going on protests for 40 years and never been interviewed before. In a crowd of tens of thousands today, I was interviewed twice and made it to print. Go figure.

There is Power in a Union.

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