
Silently swooping making shapes in the cloud laden sky,  dropping with a slight swish into the conifers then chattering in the dark. Magical!

A mile from home I was standing next to a woman who had driven from Surrey and a couple who had driven from Essex to see the starling murmuration this evening. 

News had travelled fast and I saw it myself on Sky the other night - Tewkesbury has made news other than obviously the Battle of Tewkesbury in the Wars of the Roses.

I had it easier than most with a mirrorless camera in that I could actually see the birds and alter the exposure through the viewfinder. Still tricky.

Honestly it was the most fabulous spectacle. After waiting around for a while the starlings came over in dribs and drabs and so the flock built up. It swooped and curved over the buildings not always within sight but when it passed very large many times overhead you couldn't camera, you just had to look up and behold!! Fantastic - yes it was. I've never been as close under them as I was tonight.
Who needs a wetsuit to swim under Brighton Pier Winterwatch when you can stand in a furry coat, cosy just a short distance from home?

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